lotico.com is your gateway to an open community that shares a common interest in the Semantic Web vision, a common framework for data to be shared and reused across applications, platforms and community boundaries. If you live, work or visit a location with an active community and you are interested to participate you are welcome to join. lotico develops and promotes standards, and cooperates closely with standard groups in particular with regards to Semantic Web technologies and data on the web.
an event with Jeen Broekstra May 2020. Eclipse RDF4J is a powerful open source Java framework for processing and handling of RDF (Resource Description Framework) data.
The basics of RDF and SPARQL may seem simple enough at first, but once one starts to develop a prototype, one quickly stumbles upon the same recurrent problems, such as:
How can performance be improved by means of query caching? How can we deal with blank nodes? How to deal with result set limits? A session with Claus Stadler April 2020.
Legacy systems reach their end-of-life and libraries are loosing their traditional role of being "information gatekeepers" due to the advent of the World Wide Web. This is forcing organizations to realign their information infrastructure.
Wikidata is a free, collaborative, multilingual, secondary database, collecting structured data to provide support for Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, the other wikis of the Wikimedia movement, and to anyone in the world.
A hands-on overview for producing, consuming and working with Linked Data using the RDF.rb and the Ruby programming language. Topics covered include: Understanding the RDF.rb object model, learning how to manipulate, parse and serialize RDF in popular formats such as Turtle, JSON-LD, and RDFa. Create and publish RDF using Ruby-based webframeworks such as Sinatra, storing RDF in various RDF.rb repository backends, including SQL DBs. Query local RDF repositories using RDF.rb's native SPARQL engine, access and update remote SPARQL endpoints using RDF.rb's SPARQL client.
one of the world's leading web ontologists helps companies to deploy Semantic Web solutions, training, keynote talks, solution planning, technology selection, data conversion, ontology architecture and modeling. And we take a look we'll look at what happens when you add Semantic Technologies RDF and SPARQL to MarkLogic.
Still one of the best introductions to Linked Data and even the Semantic Web in general. If you are new to the field and interested in practical information this is a resource for you.
This year our global Semantic Web event took place in San Francisco with special guest Howard Rheingold. Howard has a long history in online communities and has wandered the cyberspace long before we called it the web.
A conversation with Andy Seaborne about Jena, SPARQL, TDB and RDF at scale recorded live at the Lotico Semantic Web event in San Francisco
The global Lotico event in Boston on November 16 with Chris Welty, kindly hosted by the Semantic Web Summit 2010.
Learn SPARQL and surf the Semantic Web.
RuleML is an open international network of individuals and groups from both industry and academia, with shared interests in rules, and rules on the Semantic Web.
Confessions of a Semantic Web evangelist
Kate Ray has independently produced a short story about the Semantic Web