Linked Data With Ruby and RDF.rb
see Session Notes
Date: June 18, 2015
Location: KONA - Conference Room - Berlin Office, Berlin, Germany
This will be a hands-on overview for producing, consuming and working with linked data using the RDF.rb framework and the Ruby programming language.
Topics covered include:
• Understanding the RDF.rb object model, learning how to manipulate RDF terms, statements and graphs
• Parsing and serializing RDF data in popular serialization formats such as Turtle, JSON-LD, and RDFa
• Creating and publishing RDF data using popular Ruby-based webframeworks such as Sinatra
• Storing RDF data using RDF.rb's various repository backends,including an SQL backend
• Querying local RDF repositories using RDF.rb's native SPARQL engine
• Accessing and updating remote SPARQL endpoints using RDF.rb's SPARQL client
Given that this will be a hands-on session, please make sure to bring your laptop! To follow along, you should have your favorite text editor as well as Ruby 2.0+ ( installed on your laptop.
In addition to the RDF.rb framework (, we will also be using the Sinatra web framework(
Our Speaker will be Arto
Arto is a core developer of the RDF.rb linked data framework for the Ruby programming language, as well as a co-founder of Dydra (, the RDF and SPARQL cloud database service. Previously, he played a central role in incorporating linked data technologies into the Drupal content management system.
Session-Type: Technology-Coding-Tools
Session-Level: Intermediate-Advanced