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- 2022-11-17
- A Gentle Introduction To Modeling with OWL
- Actionable access to information powered by the Semantic Web - TopQuadrant
- Actors
- AdaptiveBlue AB Meta & Glue + Machine Learning with RDF @ Hearst
- Alan Ruttenberg
- Alex Genadinik
- Alex Iskold
- Alexandre Passant
- All things FOAF, RDF and the Semantic Web: Dan Brickley
- AllegroGraph and the Semantic Web and Clojure Updates
- Alliance Member Chart
- Amiad Solomon
- Amsterdam Semantic Web Meetup
- An Introduction to Linked Data by Sandro Hawke
- Andrei Scheinkman
- Andy Seaborne
- Antisocial Behaviour Detection and Mitigation in Online Platforms
- Apache Any23
- Apache Jena
- Apache Jena Source Compilation
- Applying Ontologies to Linked Data - Ontotext at John Wiley & Sons
- Atlanta Semantic Web Meetup
- Augmented Reality Lounge
- Austin Semantic Web Meetup
- Automatic Machine Translation & Natural Language Processing
- Babbar Barkrowler
- Barbara McGlamery
- Barry Norton
- Ben Lavender
- Benjamin Melancon
- Berlin Semantic Web Meetup
- Big Meetup Social 2010
- Bill McDaniel
- Bill Michels
- Billion Triple Store: Mulgara 2
- Bintro, zAgile & Zemanta @ Marsh & McLennan
- Blaz Fortuna
- Board of Directors
- Bob DuCharme
- Bostjan Spetic
- Boulder Semantic Web meetup
- Bradley Allen
- Bradley Geilfuss
- Brainstorming Session Berlin 20171102
- Breck Baldwin
- Brian McBride
- Building NLP Semantic Web Applications for Financial Services
- ByteDance
- CT Semantic Web Meetup Group
- Cambridge Semantic Web Meetup
- Cambridge Semantics
- Cambridge Semantics - Enabling Data Agility and SPARQL2
- Canberra Semantic Web
- Cape Town Semantic Web Meetup
- Catherine Legg
- Central Florida Semantic Web Meetup
- Central Maryland Semantic Web Group
- Chennai Semantic Web
- Chris Dollin
- Chris Schultz
- Chris Smith
- Chris Welty
- Christian Hempelmann
- Christine Connors
- Claus Stadler
- Clojure for the Semantic Web
- Cloud Computing and the Semantic Web
- Cloud Computing and the Semantic Web with John Hebeler
- Columbus Ohio Semantic Web Meetup
- Combining Public and Proprietary Data and Requirements for a possible RDF 2.0
- Community Chart
- Community Driven Ontology Development -
- Content, Identifiers and Freebase
- Creating Linked Data With Ruby and RDF.rb (Notes)
- Creating Semantic Web Related Events
- Dallas Semantic Web Meetup
- Daniel Hansch
- Daniel Tunkelang
- Data-Based News - The Role of Data And Metadata In News Gathering and Management
- Data Gov - Bringing Government and Scientific Data to the Web
- Data Protection, Privacy and Responsible AI for a Digital Society
- Data Shapes
- Data Shapes in Action
- Data Stories - Modelling Historical Events & Design Digital Narratives with Data
- Dave Kolas
- Dave Raggett
- Dave Reynolds
- David Dunne
- David Schaengold
- David Siegel
- David Teten
- Dean Allemang
- Debora Weber-Wulff
- Denny Vrandečić
- Dmitri Soubbotin
- Don Undeen
- DotNetRDF Everyday Tools for the Semantic Web Developer and RDF updates
- Douglas R. Donahue
- Drupal Semantics
- Duane Degler
- Dydra
- EU Semantic Web related research projects
- E for Events - Harnessing the Disagreement with Lora Aroyo @ Tagasauris
- Earth Science Metadata and GeoSpatial-Temporal Reasoning
- Easy RDF and SPARQL for LAMP systems & The OWLIM Semantic Repository
- Eccenca
- Eclipse RDF4J - Working with RDF in Java
- Emergent Analytics: Semantics for Next Generation Enterprise Analytic Capability
- Emil Eifrém
- Eric Franzon
- Eric Hoffer
- Evan Sandhaus
- Event Classification
- Evri - Integrating NLP and Semantic Web technologies to deliver solutions in News
- FAIR Data Spaces
- Fabio Ricci
- Felix Ostrowski
- Financial Service Compliance Automation with Heuristics over RDF 100% AI Free
- Florian Kondert
- Frankfurt Semantic Web Meetup
- From Unstructured to Structured Web Content
- Gabriel Moore Forell Bevilacqua
- Gathering Intelligence from Twitter Data with Morton Swimmer
- Geoff Reiss
- Georg Hohmann
- Geosparql
- Gerald McCollam
- Gernot Wersig
- Getting started with SPARQL by Bob DuCharme
- Glenn McDonald
- Graphs with SQL & IBM DB2 - RDF Graph Store
- Greg Milbank
- Gregg Fenton
- Gregg Kellogg
- Griffin Caprio
- Groups Around The World
- HTML5 Redux with Philippe Le Hegaret
- Hank Williams
- Hans-Christian Brockmann
- Hans-Peter Schnurr
- Hawaii Semantic Web Hui
- Health Care / Life Sciences and the Semantic Web - Susie Stephens Eli Lilly
- Holger Knublauch
- How Best Buy is using the Semantic Web and Google Squared
- IP Number List
- ISWC Meetup with Neo4J
- Ian Dickinson
- Incentives & Roadblocks for Participating in the Semantic Web
- Information Indexing & Search: Lucene 3.0 and Semantic Web Programming
- Integrating Drupal With A Triple Store: A New Chapter For Open Data
- Introduction to Semantic Web Standards with Dean Allemang
- Introduction to the Semantic Web, Semantic Bazaar and Garlik
- Irene Polikoff
- Istanbul Semantic Web Meetup
- JENA Loader Benchmarks
- JSON for Linking Data: JSON-LD 1.1
- Jamie Taylor
- Jans Aasman
- Jason J. Evans
- Jay Myers
- Jeen Broekstra
- Jeff Fernandez
- Jena, SPARQL and TDB - RDF at scale, a conversation with Andy Seaborne
- Jena-based Components for Building Semantic Web Applications
- Jena 3.6 Source Compilation
- Jena Spatial, GeoSparql and the GeoSpatial Semantic Web
- Jena XX
- Jeremy Carroll
- Jerry R. Hobbs
- Joe Celko
- Johann Rolschewski
- Johannesburg Semantic Web Meetup
- John Breslin
- John Hebeler
- John O'Donovan
- Jon Phipps
- Jonas M. Kress
- Jose Emilio Labra Gayo
- Josef Hardi
- Jürgen Angele
- KOMMA (Knowledge Modeling and Management Architecture)
- KOMMA Knowledge Modeling and Management Architecture
- Karl Muth
- Kasabi - A marketplace for data, built on Linked Data & SPARQL 1.1
- Kavitha Srinivas
- Keith Sutton
- Kendall Clark
- Kenneth Ellis
- Kingsley Idehen
- Kirsten Jones
- Kristi Reilly
- Kurt Rohloff
- LA Meetup with Tom Tague at Thomson Reuters
- Learn About RDF Triple Stores from BBN/Raytheon & Clark & Parsia
- Lee Feigenbaum
- Linked Data Service LINDAS & Semantic Social Networks
- Linked Data With Ruby and RDF.rb
- Linked Data With Ruby and RDF.rb (Notes)
- Linked Data in IBM Watson, Streaming Data Warehouses & SPIN
- Linked Open Data for Rubyists and dotNetRDF Everyday Tools for Semantic Web Devs
- List of Lotico Events
- London Semantic Web Meetup
- Lora Aroyo
- Los Angeles Semantic Web Meetup
- Lotico
- Lotico Boston Semantic Web
- Lotico Charlottesville
- Lotico Community Stats 2017
- Lotico Event Registration Form Privacy Policy
- Lotico Madison Semantic Web
- Lotico Ontology
- Lotico Semantic Social Network
- Lotico Semantic Web Meetup at the New York Times
- Lotico Twin Cities Semantic Web
- Lotico dataset
- Lucas Werkmeister
- Main Page
- Marc Hadfield
- Marco Neumann
- Marcus Trevisani
- Maria Theodoridou
- Marko Grobelnik
- Martin Doerr
- Matt Henderson
- Max Berenstein
- Max Völkel
- Meagan Young
- Media Wiki Creation Help
- Meet the IPTC and learn about rNews @ The New York Times
- MeetingEvent
- Meetup at the Semantic Technology Conference 2010 in San Francisco
- Meetup with Endeca at Daylife
- Meetup with Sir Tim Berners-Lee 2009
- Meetup with Tom Tague and Open Calais 4.0 at Thomson Reuters
- Member
- Metadata for RDF Statements: The RDF-star Approach
- Metaphacts
- Michael Lang
- Michel Biezunski
- Michel Dufresne
- Mike Cataldo
- Mike Dunn
- Milano Semantic Web Meetup
- Milla Bakhareva
- Mills Davis
- Minneapolis Semantic Web Group
- Mischa Tuffield
- Munchen-Semantic-Web-Meetup
- NY Semantic Web Meetup April 2012
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Semantic Web Code Camp Hack Day
- Natural Language Processing Code Camp
- New York Semantic Web Forum - Strategy Meeting to discuss current events, developments and future meetings
- New York Semantic Web Meetup Mulgara 2008
- New York Semantic Web Meetup Panel Discussion LinkedData Planet 2008
- New York Semantic Web Meetup at the Museum 2008
- New ideas for coding with Arrays, Lists and Sequences in RDF
- Next Generation RDF and SPARQL
- Nic Fulton
- Nick Narodny
- Nils Waldowski
- Nitya Narasimhan
- North NJ User Experience Meetup
- OWL2 and Neurocommons @ KONA
- Obidea Technology
- Olaf Hartig
- On-To-Knowledge
- Ontologies on the Semantic Web - Catherine Legg
- Ontology Architecture & Development
- Ontoprise
- Ontotext
- OpenText
- Open Data Institute (ODI) & Mapping Relational Databases: MusicBrainz - Ontotext
- Open Graph Marketing
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- Oslo Semantic Web Meetup
- Otis Gospodnetic
- Ottawa Semantic Web Meetup
- Oz DiGennaro
- PLoS - The Public Library of Science and Publishing on the Semantic Web
- Paris Semantic Web
- Paul Dix
- Paul Houle
- Paul Nemitz
- Paul Sundue
- Pavel Klinov
- Peter Berger
- Peter Mika
- Philadelphia Semantic Web Meetup
- Pierre-Antoine Champin
- Portland Semantic Web Group
- Practical RDF in a Publishing Environment - RDA and the Open Metadata Registry
- Princeton Semantic Web Meetup
- Proving Great-Grandpa: Genealogy, Reification and the Semantic Web
- Purchase a Motor insurance plan today
- RDF2Go, Xydra, Calpano - A brief introduction with Max Völkel
- RDF 2.0
- RIF - W3C Rules Interchange Format with Chris Welty
- RTP Semantic Web Group
- Raghavachari K. Madhavan
- Ralph Hodgson
- Representing and Reasoning about Time and Semantic Social Networks
- Rich Hickey
- Richard Cyganiak
- Richard Stanton
- Rob Vesse
- Robert Cook
- Robert Coyne
- Roberto García
- Rome Semantic Web Meetup
- Ron Daniel
- Ruben Verborgh
- Rudi Studer
- RuleML - Where Web Rule Research Meets Industry
- Rules and the Semantic Web
- Rya - A Scalable RDF Triplestore Using Apache Accumulo Presentation
- Ryan Shaw
- SHACL - Shaping the Big Ball of Data Mud: W3C's Shapes Constraint Language
- SHARD - A distributed triple-store built on top of Hadoop
- SHER A Scalable Highly Expressive Reasoner and its applications & Semantic Web at NYU
- SILK: Rules, Semantic Web, and Databases Take a Leap in Scalable Logical Power
- SMW+, Dydra, SPIN and the LinkedIn Platform
- SMW Workshop 2010 New York
- SPARQL Query Optimization with Pavel Klinov
- Sacha Carton
- Samir Batla
- San Diego Semantic Web Meetup
- San Francisco Semantic Web Meetup
- Sandro Hawke
- Sandy Santra
- Sanjiva Nath
- Santiago Semantic Web Meetup
- Savas Parastastidis