The Semantic Web and Museum Data
CIDOC CRM and the Semantic Web
Chapter: Washington DC
Date: October 25, 2009
National Museum of the American Indian Smithsonian Institution 4th & Independence Ave SW Washington, DC 20013 USA
Host: Smithsonian Institution Organizer: KONA Marco Neumann RSVP Register
October 25, 2009 Time 9.00am-5.00pm |
Overview(Conference participants MUST use the Staff/Group entrance at the corner of Maryland Ave) -- NOTE that Public Entrance is actually on 3rd St and Maryland Ave SW but does not open until 10 AM. Our primary objective with this workshop is to encourage and prepare more cultural institutions to publish data on the Semantic Web. The CIDOC CRM is a rich and mature ontology for representing cultural heritage expert knowledge and data on the Semantic Web. The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) is a formal ontology intended to facilitate the integration, mediation and interchange of heterogeneous cultural heritage information. The CRM is the result of more than a decade of standards development work by the International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Work on the CRM itself began in 1996 under the auspices of the ICOM-CIDOC Documentation Standards Working Group. Since 2000, development of the CRM has been officially delegated by ICOM-CIDOC to the CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group, which collaborates with the ISO working group ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 to bring the CRM to the form and status of an International Standard. We start the workshop in the morning with lightning talks to present the rich facets and specializations in the cultural heritage data management domain and in the afternoon proceed into the CIDOC CRM tutorial. Martin Doerr, Chair of the CIDOC CRM, will personally lead the tutorial and present the foundations and features of the CIDOC CRM. Schedule9.00 Registration Morning Lightning Talks9.30
Afternoon Tutorial
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