A proposed type in the lotico ontology and a collection of individuals.
Aduna alias-i Alitora AdaptiveBlue BBN - Ratheon Boeing Cambridge Semantics Cerebra CIA Clark & Parsia Collibra DayLife Dow Jones - Synaptica Endeca Expert System FBI Franz GSA KBSI KONA hakia HP IBM iQuest iSoco Lockheed Martin ManTech Metatomix Microsoft Mondeca NSA OpenLink Software Ontologica Ontoprise Ontos OntoText OpenCalais - Thomson Reuters Oracle Orbis Peer39 Powerset - bing Project10X Radar Networks Ratheon Reflexions Data Revelytix Saltlux Sandpiper Software SAP Second Integral SemanticV Semaview Siderean SRI Syntactica TextDigger Textwise TopQuadrant TriviumRLG W3C Wilshire Conferences Zemanta Zepheira