Eclipse RDF4J - Working with RDF in Java
Speaker: Jeen Broekstra
Date: Thursday, 14 May 2020
Time: 07:00:00 New York (USA - New York) EDT, Berlin 13:00:00 CEST, Melbourne 21:00:00 AEST
Location: Online Webcast
Eclipse RDF4J is a powerful Java framework for processing and handling RDF data. This includes creating, parsing, scalable storage, reasoning and querying with RDF and Linked Data. It offers an easy-to-use API that can be connected to all leading RDF database solutions. It allows you to connect with SPARQL endpoints and create applications that leverage the power of linked data and Semantic Web. Originally developed as part of an EU semantic web research project called "On-To-Knowledge" that ran from 1999 to 2002 it was known as Sesame. OpenRDF Sesame changed its name in May 2016, after officially forking into the Eclipse project RDF4J.
RDF4J is now more than a handy API, it provides a number of productivity features and content publishing and search infrastructure for RDF in the form of in-memory and disk based storage solutions and extensions to third party providers.
In this webcast, we will introduce RDF4J in more detail and give examples on how you can use it effectively.
Jeen Boekstra is a Principal Software Engineer at metaphacts based in Melbourne Australia. methaphacts specializes in the development of tools to allow its customers to rapidly build data-driven, end-user facing applications. Jeen Boekstra has been developing RDF4J since its early days as Sesame.
External URL
Eclipse RDF4J
Event Classification
Session-Type: Technology - API - Coding
Session-Level: Intermediate
Session-Language: English